B​e​come a Student of
B​e​come a Student of
"M​AGIC is beli​eving in yourself.
If you can do that, you can make anything happen".
> From Beginner to Advanced Levels Being Taught <
Have you ever wanted to show your friends a cool magic trick, but didn't know how? There are many ways to go about learning how to do a simple magic trick. You can sit alone in a room reading a magic book ...
OR, you can have a professional magician
show you how to do the impossible!
There is more to magic than just shuffling cards. It takes psychology, finesse, timing ... these things take years of practice and experience to perfect. BUT, if you are serious and willing to put in a little work, I can help you.
CALL: (901) 262 4612 or
EMAIL: magicallyyours4ever@gmail.com
... to find out how YOU can also become a MAGICIAN !

With almost half century of experience in the magic world, I brought what I knew to teach a course at The University of Alaska-Anchorage called "The History & Art of Magic", as part of the Humanities Department's curriculum and also during the Summer Continuing Education program. This is something that I am considering bringing to the local University as part of their Fine Arts program.
I have had private students in the past, and I'm now accepting interested individuals who are needing help with their magic, or those who are just starting out.
I will show this person all the basics of card magic, sleight-of-hand with coins, and even mind-reading. I will teach this apprentice how to practice, which the art of magic so necessarily requires.
This individual has learned many of the classic tricks and sleights, and will need to have some of the rough edges smoothed out. Scripting and staging is taught to make it more appealing to the viewing audience.
A magician who has many years of experience might need some consultation for a specialized trick or illusion. I can provide ongoing support and provide advice for a show that's in the works.
​T E S T I M O N I A L S
​T E S T I M O N I A L S
"Jeff combines the qualities that one seeks in a mentor in any field. Deep practical knowledge and contagious zeal. When you learn magic with Jeff, you not only learn invaluable techniques and sleights, but truly begin to learn how to think like a magician. The lessons he imparts make a rock-solid foundation for lifelong continued learning."
- - Ian Munk, Magician (Peoria, Illinois)
"Jeffrey Day's knowledge and commitment to the history and craft of magic and mentalism is truly a gift to these arts. Anyone seeking out a teacher, consultant, or mentor can benefit greatly from his experience and masterful teaching style. From the age of 12 to 14 he was my mentor. His teaching of basics to advanced sleight-of-hand & illusion techniques set me on a path of magic and performance that has continued to this day over 25 years later ... he had me focus not just 'tricks', but on the underlying principals- the 'why' not just the 'how'. He encouraged me to learn from multiple performance disciplines; theater, dance and music (as he excels in these fields as well). He taught me valuable skills and challenged me to develop originality and to create and to not settle for being a cookie cutter magician. From my first lesson with him, he encouraged a passion for sleight-of-hand and d.i.y. illusion crafting, that would benefit any budding amateur or professional, alike. Jeff is the real deal and he is dedicated to teaching and cultivating others to become true performing magicians".
- - Sean LeMay, Magician